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Where to Get Started
Creating a GoldFynch account
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions about GoldFynch
Why am I only able to create one free case?
How does GoldFynch format my dates?
How does GoldFynch handle time zones?
How long does it take to process files?
What are Primary Dates?
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Getting Help In the GoldFynch Web Application and Contacting Support
Sharing your case with GoldFynch Support
Creating a GoldFynch support Account to Access the GoldFynch Knowledge Base
Getting Help from the GoldFynch Knowledge Base and Contacting Support
Resetting or Changing your GoldFynch Account's Password
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eDiscovery Terms and Questions
What is metadata?
What are PST files?
Why does email metadata sometimes appear inconsistent?
What are zero-byte files, and how do I deal with them?
During the OCR process, what happens with text?
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Tips & Tricks
Performing a Hard Refresh in your Internet Browser
Taking a Screenshot of the Console Window in Chrome
Creating a GoldFynch search query from a search list or text file
Export emails from Gmail and download them as PDF files
Add-on Services
Using Add-on Services
Requesting a managed review from Legal Outsourcing 2.0 through GoldFynch
Known Issues/Errors
Production sharing issues - "Error Delivering Production Share Notification" emails
Size limitations on uploading files zipped with OSX
Rendering of dates in produced documents
Uploading Folders on Windows - name truncation errors fo long path names
Importing productions with load files into CaseMap from GoldFynch
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How-to Guides
Converting TIFF files to PDFs using GoldFynch
Generating In-App Passwords for Yahoo
How do I transfer my GoldFynch case's billing to a different GoldFynch account?
How do I transfer ownership of my GoldFynch organization to a different GoldFynch account?
Printing a Produced Version of a File in GoldFynch
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Training & Demos
What demos and training are available for GoldFynch?
Signing up for GoldFynch's 101 Training Course and 101 Certification