Signing up for GoldFynch is quick and easy. Follow these steps to get started.

Step 1. Navigate to

Step 2. Click the yellow "Sign up" button in the center of the screen

Step 3. Enter your email address and name

Step 4. Click on the Sign up for free" button

Set email and name

 Note: Don’t forget to read our privacy policy and then check the Privacy Policy checkbox.

Step 5. Check your email account for the GoldFynch verification message

Step 6. Click on the activation link in the email

Email activation link

Note: Remember this will be the email where you will receive all official GoldFynch notifications.

Step 7. Click the “Setup my account” button

Setup account button

Step 8. Choose a password for your GoldFynch account and click the "Take me to my account" button.

Set account password

That’s it! Now you can get GoldFynching.