Here is how to tag all files in a search result, or in a folder on GoldFynch. Tagging a folder in this way will also tag the documents in sub-folders within the folder. You may be prompted to tag the rest of a file's family if it belongs to one. Learn more about how this works here.

Assigning tags to files in folders

There are two ways you can go about tagging all files in a folder.

Method 1: Selecting the whole folder

1. Click on the 'Files' button in the left pane to access the files view

Select a folder to tag

2. Navigate to the location of the folder whose contents you want to tag

3. Click on the checkbox next to that folder

4. Click on the 'Tag' button in the right action pane that appears

5. Type out a new, unique tag name then click on it when it appears in the tag list, or click on an existing tag or click on a quick tag 

  • If you want to attach multiple tags, check the 'Apply multiple tags' checkbox before choosing tags to assign. Click on the tags you want to apply by clicking on them, then click on the 'Apply' button
  • You can return to the previous screen from the 'Apply tags' screen by clicking on the 'X' button in the top-right corner or hitting the 'esc' key
  • You can use this method to tag the contents of multiple folders simultaneously    
     Choose the tags to be added

6. Choose if you want the tag to be applied to the item only or to the entire family of each item. 

Choose how to apply tags to file families and click on Apply

7. Click on Apply 

Note: If the tag selected is a privilege tag then you will have to enter the tag application notes before applying the tag. 

Method 2: Selecting all files in a folder

1. Click on the 'Files' button in the left pane to access the files view

2. Navigate inside the folder whose contents you wish to tag

3. Click on the checkbox to the left of "Name" to select all the files in the folder 

Select all files in the folder to tag

4. Click on the 'Tag' button in the right action pane that appears

5. Click on a tag to assign it, or multiple tags if Sticky Tagging is enabled (as in step 5,6 and 7 of the previous method)

Tags added can be seen in the files view

NOTE: If there are many files, it might take a few seconds for all of them to correctly process. Once complete, you will see the tags next to the file names in the 'Files' view (mouse-over the abbreviated tag for the full tag name to display)

Assigning tags to search results and bulk tagging

1. After performing a search, click on the checkbox next to the search query box to select all the search results

Click the checkbox to select all the search results and then click on Tag

2. (Optional) If you would like to unselect any of the listed files so as to exclude them from the tagging, click on the checkboxes next to their names
3. Click on the 'Tag' button, continuing from step 4 of the 'Method 2: Selecting all files in a folder' above

Reviewing tags and tagged files

In the 'Tags' view, you can edit, delete, and select all files with a particular tag. You can also change the default behavior of tags for tagging families of files. Learn more about this in the last section of this guide.

Clicking on a tag in the 'Tags' view will display all files that have been assigned that tag: