GoldFynch lets you create review sets of files for batch review using saved searches. Here will see how to create a review set to review all files in a specific folder while omitting files that have a specific tag attached to them.

To omit files with a specific tag for a batch review on a folder 

For the purpose of this solution, we will create a review set for the folder Misc. Uploads while omitting the files that have the tag 'DocView.'

1. Log into your GoldFynch account and the case you wish to create the batch review for

2. Tag all the files you wish to omit with the same tag. To tag individual files in a specific folder: 

  1. Navigate to the folder you want to review using the files view 
  2. Select the files to be tagged by checking the checkbox against each file
  3. Click on the 'Tag' button in the popup menu and then Apply Tags

Click on the tag button and apply tags to the selected files 

Note: There are also many other ways you can tag files (learn about them here)

3. Navigate to the Advanced Search View and click on the Create New Search button

Navigate to advanced search view, click on create new search and choose the directory parameter

4. Select the directory parameter and click on the Browse button to view the different folders

5. Select a folder/directory click on it in the folder listing and then click on the 'Select Folder' button.

Click on the folder name to select it and then click on select folder

Note: If you are looking for a folder that is within another folder, click on the '+' button next to the parent folder to expand it and view all the folders it contains

6. Add another condition by dragging and dropping the condition box into the query builder area. Select the tags parameter, the 'IS-NOT' operator, and the tag applied in Step 2.c from the dropdown

Select the tags parameter, choose the IS-NOT operator and select the appropriate tag from the dropdown

7. Click on the text 'Untitled, click here to rename [unsaved]' to give the search query a name. 

8. Enter a name for the search query in the screen overlay and then click on the 'Save' button to save the search query

Note: Learn more about advanced searches and saving search queries

9. Navigate to the Review Set screen and click on the 'create a new review set' button 

Click on create new review set to setup a batch review

10. Enter the name for the review set, select the 'By saved search' option and select the saved search that was created in Step 8

Enter a name, select the by saved search option and select a saved search from the dropdown

11. Check the 'Yes, expand families' checkbox if you would like to expand file families, and then click on the 'Create' button

Click on create to save the review setNote: You can learn more about Batch Reviews in GoldFynch here, and find a number of common searches that you can run in GoldFynch here.