When you type out a search into the Search Bar (located at the top of the screen in your GoldFynch case) there are a number of 'smart' search suggestions you can trigger depending on the terms you enter. They are suggestions based on file metadata - standardized document content such as dates and file information.
The smart search suggestions in the drop-down bar are told apart from generic search suggestion by having icons other than the orange magnifying glass. You can carry the search out by clicking on the suggestion line or using the up and down arrow key to change suggestion, then hitting the 'return' button. Below is a list of all Smart Search types.
Email Metadata
To trigger email specific metadata searches, use the metadata type and the ":" character, followed by the search content. Supported metadata are
- to:
- from:
- cc:
- bcc:
- subject: (for an email's subject)
Smart date searches are always triggered only after a year is entered. A whole date in the format mm/dd/yyyy can be entered or partial date with just mm/yyyy, or even just the year. Date searches can also be date ranges, combined with "to"
File Types (MIME Types)
Enter the first three letters of the file extension or file MIME type to trigger this search. All supported GoldFynch supported file format extensions will trigger a smart search. The MIME types are as below:
- Text
- Image
- Email collection
- MS Office types
- Video (although video file processing is unsupported)
- Archive
File names
When you enter text that is a portion of the name of any files in your case, GoldFynch will offer those files as suggestions.