While producing files using the Production Wizard, GoldFynch performs a series of checks on the documents that are about to be produced.
All the checks and warnings will be listed in Step 10 (Final review and submit production) at which time you can view and exclude groups of files.
NOTE: If you don't want your production to be affected by any of these checks, make sure to click on the "Disable Redaction Checking" button in Step 10 of production, or uncheck the "Automatically determine and produce redacted files and their ancestors as image-only" checkbox in Step 7 (redaction options)
Viewing files with issues:
- The system gives you the ability to view the files that fail the various checks by clicking on the list icon, and view the tags and file types of files that have failed the checks by toggling the "+" symbol under each check
- You can also navigate to individual files by clicking on the file name in the file listing
Resolving issues:
- Click on the "Exclude <category>" button to exclude all files under that category. It is possible to exclude only files under a specific subcategory by first expanding a section (click the "+" button) and then on the
(Exclude files) button against a category
- Checks and warnings represent scenarios in which it is recommended to exclude documents, however, whether to do so or not falls down to your best judgment.
- Checks in red involve redacted/privileged/archive etc. files being included in the production in their native state
- Checks in brown involve files being included but not in their native states
- Using a category's "Exclude" option (e.g. "Exclude files tagged with privileged tag") will exclude files found in both red and brown checks
- Note that the system will allow you to only exclude a maximum of 1000 files. In case there are more files that need to be excluded, it is recommended you adjust the selection query in Step 2 of the Production Wizard. You may need to adjust your file tagging/saved searches to address this.
Checks run by category
Redacted files checks
The redaction check ensures that (1) files with redactions in your production are never produced natively to avoid accidental production of redacted information (2) no ancestors of such files are produced natively and (3) image-only versions of such files are produced where possible and a placeholder is created if an imaged version of the file is not available.
E.g. If you have a redacted file that was originally an attachment to an email, it's undesirable to include the original email as a native version since the redacted information could be accessed by extracting the attachment from the original email. Instead, it's preferable to attach an image-only version of the email along with the redacted, image-only attachment.
You can enable or disable the redaction checking. While enabled, it will automatically adjust for the following and omit files as needed. If the check is disabled, you can manually omit files in each category that are caught by the redaction checks.
The list of redactions checks are:
- Files being produced natively erroneously - flagging files where redacted information is being included in its native form (as native files do not have redactions applied to them, it's generally undesirable to include native versions of redacted files in productions)
- Files being produced as a redaction placeholder - situations where GoldFynch does not have an imaged representation of a file, and the file should also not be produced natively because it would include redacted content (e.g. a ZIP file that contains other files which have redactions; as ZIP files wouldn't have imaged versions they'd need a placeholder.)
- Files being produced image-only due to redactions - when documents that were to be produced with native copies had those native versions suppressed and now will only be produced as imaged versions with redactions.
- Files being produced image-only due to descendants with redactions - documents that were to be produced with native copies, where the native copies are being suppressed because one or more of their child documents has redactions (e.g. an email where the attachment has redactions and the email does not)
Privilege files checks
The privilege check flags all files in your production that have privileged tags on them, as it is common for privileged files to be omitted in productions. The checks also flag files in your production that are the ancestors of privileged files, even if the privileged descendant files are not themselves in the production. This helps prevent the privileged files from being extracted and accessed through the included ancestor files.
E.g. A ZIP file without a privileged tag that contains a privileged Word document will be flagged in the checks since if the ZIP was included in the production, someone could unzip it and view the privileged Word document even if the document wasn't directly included in the production as a loose file.
The "Exclude files tagged with a privilege tag" button will exclude files under the following checks:
- Files with privilege tags - flagging any files that have tags with the "privileged" status
- Files with privilege tags being produced as native - flagging files to be produced as natives with privileged tags attached to them
The "Exclude files tagged with a privilege tag" button will not exclude files under the following checks if the triggering files themselves don't have privileged tags:
- Files with descendants with privilege tags - when an ancestor file (e.g. an email) has a descendent (e.g. an attachment) that has a privileged tag attached to it
- Files with descendants with privilege tags being produced as native - same as the above, but when the ancestor file is being produced in its native format (meaning the ancestor file could potentially have the descendants extracted from them in their native form without any redactions)
- Files with descendants with privilege tags and not in production - a similar case to the ones above, but this check specifically flags when the ancestor file is present in the production and the descendants that have the privileged tags are not in the production
- Files with descendants with privilege tags and not in production being produced as native - similar to the above, but where the ancestor is produced as a native file
Make sure to expand the section to view the checks that are not included under the "Exclude files tagged with a privilege tag" button, and use the individual "Exclude" buttons against each check if needed.
Archive files check
The archive files check will see if any archive files (.zip, .pst, .mbox. etc.) have been included in the production. You can choose to exclude the archives from the production.
Files without native check
In the event that any of the files in the production do not have corresponding native files, they will have to be produced only as image-only in case a native file is required. This scenario can happen in case the files were part of a load file production that was imported into GoldFynch without including natives.
Processing State check
The processing state check identifies files in the production that have currently not been processed. These files will be produced as native-only files (i.e. exactly as you uploaded them.) You can exclude the unprocessed files from the production in case you want to.
Malware detection check
The malware detection check identifies files in the production that could potentially be harmful (i.e. malware.) In such an event, a placeholder will be generated and inserted in the place of the corresponding files. Instead of inserting a placeholder, you can choose to completely exclude the files from the production using the "Exclude" option.