When you upload files to GoldFynch, the files get automatically processed, and if there are any files with issues, GoldFynch logs them on the 'issues' view according to the following processing states:
- Errored files
- Password-protected files
- Zero-byte files
- Malware
- Unsupported files
From this screen, you can:
- Requeue "Errored" files for processing, which sometimes will fix the processing issue
- Open the password list to add the required passwords using the "Update Password List" button
- Click on file names to open them in the Document Viewer
- Click on files' listed file paths to directly navigate to their folder in the "Files" view
- Click the "Diagnose..." button in line with an "Errored" file to walk through some basic troubleshooting steps, and request additional support from our support staff if necessary.
- View the tags, files have attached to them (hover the mouse cursor over the abbreviated tags to display their full names)
- Filter files by their processing state and file type to perform a number of functions on them as described below (check or uncheck boxes under "Processing State" and "File Types")
When you use the filters it updates the file list at the bottom of the page to display only those that satisfy the filters' conditions. You can then perform a number of actions in bulk on all the files listed:
- Apply tags and quick tags
- Delete the files from your case
- Open the search view and display all the listed files as if they were the result of a search
- Directly save the search query that would generate the filtered list of files
- Create a production with all of the files in their native state (i.e. exactly as they were uploaded.) This is a faster alternative to creating a production from scratch. This function will apply the conditions:
- File names will be preserved
- Files will be produced as-is (i.e. in their native state)
- Files will appear in a flat directory structure
- Files detected to contain malware will be omitted (with an appropriate placeholder)
Note: you can type into the text box to filter for specific types, and sort file types using the drop-down list
Dealing with processing errors
In general, files retry processing multiple times before they enter the "errored" state, so the issue is typically permanent, such as a corrupt, or invalid file, or semi-permanent, such as an unexpected file condition. But sometimes it may be a temporary issue with the processing system and the files will go through fine when retried again later or on a different processing machine.
If there are errored files in your case, you will see a "Reattempt Processing" button at the top of the issues page. Clicking this will automatically re-queue any errored files for another try through the processing system. If the files don't go through on the re-process attempt, we recommend clicking the "Diagnose..." button in line with an errored file to take a closer look at the error and see what troubleshooting steps are available.
Viewing and troubleshooting processing errors
If an "Errored" file does not successfully process after the additional processing attempt, then you may need to troubleshoot the file to see if the file is damaged. To begin, click the "Diagnose..." button in line with an errored file, as seen below.
If GoldFynch is able to detect the precise error preventing the file from processing, then it will be listed under the "Cause" heading in this "Error diagnosis" menu. Typically, if the precise error is known, any possible solutions will be listed as well (shown below)
If the file's processing error isn't known (or doesn't have any working solutions listed), then the next step would be to download the file and try to open it locally. This is a pretty good indicator of whether or not a file is damaged/corrupted, and whether or not the file will be able to be processed in GoldFynch. To download an "Errored" file, click the "Download to open" button found on the "Error diagnosis" menu.
Once the file is downloaded, try to open the file on your local computer. Based on whether or not the file opens, select either "Yes", "No", or "No, my computer did not recognize the file", and fill out any additional fields that appear. If the file opens successfully or is not recognized by your computer, a "Notify support staff" button will appear. You can click this button, and our team will take a closer look at the file for you. Our support team will also reach out with any additional information.
This is a basic walk-through of troubleshooting an "Errored" file in GoldFynch, but if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] and we'll be happy to help!