GoldFynch gives you the capability to upload productions with load files, and is progressively expanding its self-sufficient workflow to apply load files to your case on import. Currently, when you upload a production with a load file, you can request a production import by following the steps below. The import will then be run within 24-48 hours by the GoldFynch team. Please note that the final application of load files to productions is only available for paid cases.

This is a detailed guide. For a quick walkthrough, see this article.

To upload a production with a load file to GoldFynch

Step 1. Zip the production on your computer if it is not already zipped. (Here is some info on what load file productions may look like)


  • There is no additional charge for the service unless production data is malformed. In the case of malformed data, you will be notified and you can requisition a custom production import - your approval will be required to proceed with the import(view GoldFynch's preferred formatting guidelines).
  • If the production is too big to zip, get in touch with the GoldFynch team who will set up an FTP server for you (learn how to upload files using an FTP server here) - This is an add-on service for paid cases.
  • You'll get the best results if you upload the entire production, including any IMAGE and TEXT folders. GoldFynch's import process may use these files if the native version of a particular document is not provided

Step 2. Upload the zipped production to GoldFynch. To upload a zip file to GoldFynch, navigate to GoldFynch's 'Files' view and drag-and-drop the zip file onto the 'Files' view screen. You will be given a prompt to confirm the file upload; click on the 'Begin Upload' button.

Click on the 'Begin Upload' button


  • Make sure that the database files (.csv/.dat/.opt) are included in the zip file, either in the root directory or inside a "DATA/" directory
  • Ensure that the network connection does not go down and the computer that is uploading the file is not turned off

Step 3. When the upload completes, navigate to the 'Production Imports' view and click on the '+New Import' button at the top-right of the screen

Navigate to the production import view and click on +New Import

Step 4. Select a file from the drop-down 

The details on the screen will expand giving you an assessment of the productions in the uploaded file (see the image below.)

Step 5. Select a document reconstruction option. This option tells us how you would like a file to be reconstructed in case a document is provided in both its native form and a rendered representation (TIFF/JPEG images). The available options are:

  • Use provided renderings - This option will preserve any on-page Bates stamps that were applied to the renderings but the renderings may be of lower visual quality
  • Generate new renderings - GoldFynch will generate new renderings from the native files, which will likely be of higher visual quality but will no longer have any on-page Bates stamps. Also, the page counts may differ from the provided rendering

Note: By default, the 'Use provided renderings' option is selected

Step 6. Select a directory structure reconstruction option. By default, the 'Yes, reconstruct directory structure' option is selected. When this is selected GoldFynch will try to reconstruct the directory structure if there are any original/mailbox directory structures available in the load files. Otherwise, a flat-file listing will be created

Step 7. Click on the 'Create' button to submit the production import request. The GoldFynch team will then run the import process and contact you via email once it is complete. They will also look into any issues in the process if they arise, including unrecognized/unmatched metadata fields. You can also track the progress of the production import from the Production Import View.


  • The production import process requires manual verification by a GoldFynch staff member to make sure that import metadata is mapped to GoldFynch metadata correctly. So based on the size of the import, a time estimate will be given before you submit the Production Import request. 
  • You can also initiate the production import process using any one of the following Views -
    • Overview Screen - Click on the 'Create Import' button next to a production load file found under the 'Production Imports' section of the overview screen. 
    • Files view - Click on the Archive symbol found next to the production load file in the Files view listing

Additional information displayed

When the Request Production Import details appear in Step 4. you can get additional information about the Production included in the uploaded file by clicking on the corresponding "+" checkbox.

Production Import Summary

The Overview page of your case has a Production Import section. At a glance, you can see - 

  • The number of production datasets that are available for import and their names 
  • The names of all the production datasets for which the import process is in progress

Additionally,  all the production datasets that are available for import will have a Create Import button alongside them. Clicking on the Create Import button on the overview screen will load the 'Create new production import' overlay. From here you can select the appropriate options and submit the production import as has been described in the article above.

Note: Once the production import process has been completed it will be listed in the Production Import Summary section of the case overview with an 'Open Import Location' button next to it


Issues with uploaded load files and file formatting

If there are any issues with the uploaded load file or the formatting of files in a production, warning messages will be displayed under the "issues" tab of that production. The GoldFynch team will get back to you regarding any issues here before they begin the production import.

If any unmatched fields in the load file do not match the required GoldFynch metadata fields they will be listed under the "Metadata Mapping to GoldFynch" tab of a production. It is possible to rectify issues here by formatting your production according to the GoldFynch file formatting guidelines listed here and re-uploading it.