Creating the production

Follow these steps to create a load file production of an entire case in GoldFynch. This is typically done when transferring files from your GoldFynch case to another eDiscovery platform. To begin, click on the "Productions" icon from the left menu, then click on the "Start Production Wizard" button.

Click the "Start a Production Wizard" button from the top.

Step 1 of the Production Wizard: Give the production a name. 

Enter a name for the production and click on the 'Next' button

Step 2 of the Production Wizard: Skip this step of the Production Wizard and just click on "Next: Production output" and do not select tags or saved searches. This is because when no tags are selected, GoldFynch includes all documents from a case to be included in the production.

Step 3 of the Production Wizard: select "Load file/database format", whether or not native copies should be provided for all files, and what kind of images you would like generated. In the example image below, we've chosen to produce with "minimal or user-specified natives" and "TIFF G4" image representations, but this can be modified to your output needs.

If you would like to use a saved custom load file control parameter profile for this production (which can be used to add things like "tags" and "file paths" to the load file of the production), please select your saved profile from the drop-down menu on this sSelect the load file format with minimal natives and any type of image and then click on Nexttep. Learn a bit more information on custom load file control parameter profiles here

Once all your selections have been made, click the "Next: Native files option".

Step 4 of the Production Wizard: If there are any files/file types that need to be produced as "native" in this production (commonly, Excel files), you can make your selections in this step. In our example image below, we have selected to produce Excel files as "native".

Choose a user specified native and click on Next

Step 5 of the Production Wizard: Select your production item sorting order and then click "Next: Tags and custom stamp placement".

Step 6 of the Production Wizard: Select any Bates or tag stamping locations for these files. By default, the only selection that will be enabled is "Bates Stamp" in the "bottom-right" location.

Select your Bates and tag stamping locations, and then click "OK".

Once you've made your Bates and tag stamping selections, scroll down and click "Next: Redaction options".

Step 7 of the Production Wizard: Select your desired redaction settings for this production and click "Next: Bates number options". These settings will only be used if redactions exist in your production.

Step 8 of the Production Wizard: Enter your Bates numbering sequence and click "Next: File naming options". If left blank, this will default to using "1" as the first Bates number, which will be used for the file names.

Step 9 of the Production Wizard: Click "Finalize and submit production", as the only file naming option for a load file production is "Bates numbers".

Click on Next

Step 10 of the Production Wizard: Review any checks that have failed at this time. When producing your entire case, it's likely that you will have similar warnings to what is shown below:

Please note that the "Archive files"  check indicates that there are container files being produced as well, these will be produced nativelyIf you do not want to include these container files in your production (like ZIP, PST, MBOX, etc), then click the "Exclude archives" button in line with this check.

Once you've reviewed all of the checks displayed, if everything looks good, click "Produce despite errors".

Downloading completed productions

GoldFynch queues the production and gets to work on it. To track the process, click on the "Requested Productions" tab of the "Productions" view.

Click on the "Completed" header text to sort by completion date. The completed status for your production will change from "in-progress" to the completion date once the production is completed. Once the production has finished processing and becomes available, click on the "..." icon against the production’s name and then the "Download Production" text in the drop-down menu that opens to download the final production as a zip file.