If you want to search for a file within a specific production that you have created in GoldFynch, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to the 'Advanced Search' view by clicking on the button in the left pane
2. Click on the 'Create New Search' button
3. Click anywhere in the condition box to enter the search criteria
4. Change the 'body' parameter to 'production'
5. Select the production you wish to search within from the list in the drop-down box
6. (Optional) Add any additional conditions to the query if you wish to
7. Click on the 'execute search' button (Triangle icon)
- To search amongst multiple productions, change the middle drop-down box in Step 5 from "Is" to "Is Any Of", then use the "+ Add Value" button to add multiple drop-down boxes from which you can select different productions
- Only productions that are currently present in the case will be displayed or considered - i.e productions listed in the "Requested Productions" tab of the "Productions" screen. This includes both completed and "in progress" productions that are still being generated