GoldFynch does not have the capability to generate/export a new PST file; however, the tagged emails can be exported/produced as individual near-native .msg email files. These .msg files will contain all of the same raw metadata that was present in the original .pst file. This can be done by following these steps:
Click on the production icon from the left menu, then click on the "Start a Production Wizard" button.
Step 1 of the Production Wizard: Give the production a name.
Step 2: Select the tags you want to use for Production.
Step 3: Select "Native only" and click "Next: Native files option "
Continue the Production from Step 6 to Step 10 of the Production Wizard. Make sure to review the production options in the summary step, if you wish to edit any of the options hit back, if not, click on the "Produce" button, to complete.