You can share a production's zip file directly from the production interface without having to download the file. It is shared through a 'share link' that GoldFynch generates which you can either copy and paste to the person you wish to share it with, or which GoldFynch can automatically email to them.

Additionally, you will be notified of the time and date the shared production was downloaded. Here's how you can share your productions:

Sharing productions using a share link

Step 1. Click on the Production button in the left pane to access the Production view.

Step 2. Click on the Requested Productions tab to view the list of Productions that have been submitted.

Step 3. Click on the '...' button against the production you want to share.

Step 4. Click on the 'Share' option in the popup menu

In the Requested Production tab click on ... and then click on the share option

Step 5. Enter the name or the email address of the person you wish to share the production with.

  • Select the duration and number of downloads the link is valid for.
  • (Optional) Check the "Require password for download" box and enter a download password if you would like to add additional security to your production download.
  • (Optional) If you have entered a valid email address, you can check the "Automatically notify contact" checkbox for GoldFynch to automatically send the user an email containing the 'share link'.
  • (Optional) If you want to enter a custom name for the production, uncheck the "Use system-generated name for production archive (based on Bates prefix and range)" checkbox and then enter a custom name in the textbox provided

Note: If the checkbox is selected then the system-generated name which is based on Bates prefix and range will be shared with the user

  • Click on the Share button.

Uncheck the checkbox to enter a custom name then click on Share


  • If the production was produced despite having errors or warnings a warning message with information related to the errors/warnings is displayed at the top of the Production Sharing screen indicating the same. Additionally, a message will be displayed if the production has redactions applied in preview mode.

  • Once the production has been shared all the details related to the share will be displayed in the lower half of the production sharing overlay, as shown in the image below. The 'Shared As' field in the details lets you know if the production was shared using a custom name or a system-generated name

Details related to the sharing of the production

Note: The links for the shared productions will expire after either the duration or the number of downloads you have selected depending on what occurs first. For example, if you have selected 1 day and 2 downloads in the "expires after" field and if the person you shared the link with does not access it within 24 hours of receiving it, the link will expire even though nothing has been downloaded.

Step 6. Click on the "copy link" button to copy the share link. You can provide this link to the person you wish to share the case with and they will be invited to download the file or open it in a new case. 

Note: In case you have not checked the "Automatically notify contact" option then you need to copy the link and send it as a separate message to the user. In the status of the shared production, you can see that an email was not sent.

Click on copy link to share the link to the production

Stop Sharing Production

You can always invalidate a share link by clicking the 'Revoke' button on the right of the person's name/email address, preventing them from being able to access or download the production file.

Click on Revoke to revoke access to the shared production

Managing Shared productions

  • This is what the person will see once they click on the sharing link (regardless of whether you directly gave it to them or GoldFynch automatically mailed it to them).

  • Clicking on the "Download Production" button will download the production as a .zip file to their device
    • If a download password was entered then a textbox will be visible below the "Download Production" button once you click on it. The user will have to enter the password that was shared with them to download the production
      Enter the download password and then click on download to download the production
  • Clicking on the "Open as a GoldFynch case" button will take them to the GoldFynch 'cases' screen and GoldFynch will prompt them to create a new case. The files contained in the production will be available on the 'Files' view of the created case
    • If they already have a GoldFynch account, they will be prompted to sign in, if they haven't already, and the case will be linked to that account
    • If they do not have a GoldFynch account they will be prompted to create a new one, to which the case will be added.

View Production Activity

As the sender, you will be notified of the time and date the production was opened/downloaded. You can also view the activity of individuals that the production was shared with by going to the "Requested Productions" tab, then clicking on the share icon against the relevant production. The activity on the shared production will be in the lower half of the production sharing overlay.

To view more details like the location, from IP, type of access, and the time accessed by users the production was shared with, open the Production Sharing overlay as described above and click on the "Show Details" text against the person that the production is shared with.

Share the Production Load File

Using GoldFynch you can share just the production load file without having to share the entire production. You can do this by downloading the load file from the Requested Productions tab and then sending it via email to the person you wish to share it with.

Click on the download loadfile option in the popup menu to download and share the production loadfile

Click here to learn more about downloading production load files.