You can use GoldFynch's document viewer to view message classes. Also, you can easily search and filter files by message class using the Advanced search system. 

To learn more about message classes in general, and find the list of message classes that GoldFynch supports, see this article.

Viewing a file's message class

Step 1. Open the file to view it in the Document viewer 

Note: You can click on a file to view it from any one of the following listings: Files view, Search results, Review sets, or Issues View


Step 2. Click to expand the 'File Type' section in the right panel of the Document viewer to view the message class

View the message class from the file type section of the document viewer

Searching for files using the message class parameter

You can use the GoldFynch advanced search system to search for files with a specific message class, to do so: 

Step 1. Navigate to the Advanced search view by clicking on the icon in the left panel

Step 2. Click on the Create New Search button 

Step 3. Click anywhere in the condition box to enter the search criteria. Alternatively, click on the edit icon (the pencil) that appears when you hover over the condition box.

Click to edit the condition box Step 4. Change the 'body' parameter to 'msgclass' and from the drop-down menu of the message classes that appears to the right, choose the message class that you wish to search for

Set the paramater to msgclass, choose a message class and execute the search
Step 5. Click on the Execute Search button

Filtering your search results by message class

You can use the message class filter available in both the classic and new style filters to filter your search results. 

Once you execute your search, you just need to click on the message class you want to filter the results by from the filter panel. The filter panel will be listed to the right of the search results when using the 'classic style' and above the search results when using the 'new style'

Classic style filter

New style filter